Thyagaraja Aradhana Registration Guidelines (2022)

Sruti Thyagaraja Aradhana 2022 Individual Participation – Updated Guidelines and Covid-Specific Regulations

Sruti is pleased to resume in-person programming starting with the Thyagaraja Aradhana Part-2 on March 26, 2022, while strictly adhering to Covid-19 regulations stipulated by state, federal and local authorities. Please read the updated guidelines for individual participation registration, paying close attention to new Covid-19 regulations.

Covid-Specific Guidelines:

  • Only fully vaccinated (per CDC guidelines) individuals will be allowed to participate in individual vocal or instrumental performance. 
  • If you have been feeling sick or have had suspected exposure to Covid-19 less than three days before the event, please refrain from attending.
  • Please wear a mask at all times (except when singing) and maintain social distancing when at the venue, considering the safety of all attendees.
  • No group participation or accompaniment is allowed (siblings from the same household are exempted from this requirement)
  • Participants should show proof of vaccination at the front desk on the day of the event.
  • Proof of vaccination can be the physical ID card or a photo/copy (a photo on your phone is acceptable).
  • To ensure the safety of everyone, Sruti will be requesting our main concert artists to provide a negative PCR test.
  • Sruti will require the audience to show proof of vaccination (per CDC guidelines) prior to entering the auditorium and to wear a mask while seated in the auditorium. Sruti will provide hand sanitizers at the venue and implement distanced seating as much as possible.
  • If the Covid situation worsens, making it unsafe to hold an in-person event, Sruti will make the event online and individual participation will be conducted on zoom.

General Guidelines:

  • Registrations for individual participation will open at 9 am on Sunday, February 13, 2022.
  • Individual participation is restricted to Thyagaraja Krithis only. A strict time limit of 6 minutes will be imposed. Only one song per participant.
  • Please do not perform any Alapana, Niraval or Kalpana swarams. This restriction does not apply to Chittai Swarams in the composition.
  • Song provided during the registration CANNOT be changed for any reason.
  • While registering please make sure the participant’s name and email are spelled correctly as they will be used in the certificates as entered. 
  • Priority of participant selection will be based on your 2022 membership status according to the following Priority levels until we reach a total of 40 slots
    • Priority 1: 2022 Sruti Adult Sponsors or family sponsors
    • Priority 2: Sruti Life Members
    • Priority 3: Annual Member
  • The sequencing of the participant performances will largely follow the same priority levels as above.
  • Please note that for priority purposes, the participant needs to sign up for 2022 Sruti sponsorship or Life Membership before February 13, 2022, the registration date. The sponsorship sign up is now open at the membership page
  • A confirmation email will be sent indicating the scheduled session of the participants in advance of the event.
  • No phone call registrations will be accepted.
  • Participants must be available to perform in the allotted slot. Participants must be present when their turn is announced or they will be moved to the end of the session.
  • We strongly encourage participants to attend the whole day including performance by the other participants and the main concert by Smt. Vani Ramamurthy and party. 
  • For any questions, please email